If you're looking for Welsh travel inspiration and advice you're in the right place. For all Wales bespoke travel itineraries, insider tips, inspired ideas and professional guiding please get in touch with Sarah's Wales. Free quotes provided.
Wales is my passion and I'm excited to share it with you!
I have been working in tourism in Wales for the past 12 years. I live near the sea in South Wales with my family and our dog Dylan and cat Blue. When I'm not out and about exploring and finding new hiking trails I'm sharing my knowledge through guiding or by planning itineraries.
When my children went to school full time I started to think about going back to work. I had given up my work as a graphic designer to start a family and was looking for a change. A job came up in my local tourist information office and I developed my passion for Wales and for helping others to get the very best out of their vacations. I haven't looked back, gaining expertise in customer service and the Wales Coast Path and qualifying as a Green Badge tourist guide.
Wales' coast and countryside has to be some of the best in the world. I have some favourite spots along the Glamorgan Heritage Coast in South Wales. Blessed with plenty of rolling green landscape there is a plentiful supply of waterfalls to explore. There's even one you can walk behind. Not to forget castles - we have 641 to choose from! Let's start your vacation itinerary.
Sarah's Wales
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